Saturday, June 28, 2014

Eyes on the Horizon

So... Its been a while. I know. I made no promises and told no lies. I got slack and fell behind. I put the Hugh in to Hu(gh)man incompetency. Apparently in the past sentence I also managed to put the Hugh in to Human. I thought it would fit better. Actually looks kinda ugly. Food for thought.

Regardless here I am once more, attempting to communicate some fraction of the sensory overload that I have been weighing myself under for what has now been more than three months. Not long in the grand scheme of things but it certainly feels like something approaching a while on my end. I have seen, done, felt, experienced, embraced, swam in, jumped off, smelt, embibed and ran away from things that I could never have previously conceived to have even approached my path, let alone cross it.

And all of this without keeping you beautiful people informed of said shenanigans? For shame!

The benefit of my absence from the blogging medium is that my well of travelling tidbits has grown deeper and richer than ever before which means there should be an abundance encounters to share with y'all. Should being the operative word of course. I make no further promises as to my ability to maintain the informative flow but I do pledge to try. I mean, you don't even know what happened on the further adventures of my flip flops do you? Thats a good one, if I do say so my self.

I will say this much, it has only just occurred to me in writing this last paragraph that, were Hughs Views not such a damn catchy name for this blog, The Well of Travelling Tidbits would be a fantastic alternative. Its almost sounds like a knock off Harry Potter book, chronicling his gap year when he decided to go backpacking across the wizarding world. Hugh Surtees and the Well of Travelling Tidbits. It has winner written all over it.

Pointless digressions aside, here is my hope going forward. It has been so long that to attempt to maintain a coherent chronology is beyond my already limited powers of discourse so I will just attempt more to collate a collection of select memories from throughout. Once I have figured what I can share and what is best left for personal recollection, I will do my utmost to type them down and post them up. To be fair a lack of sense and structure would certainly be the more accurate form of reflecting the last few months.

Now if you will forgive me, I am going to shake out my head, stretch out my fingers and see what flows forth. I am quietly optimistic but as one of the golden rules of scuba diving would say, don't hold your breath. And don't aggravate sharks. That should be obvious.