Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reflections On A Grey Wednesday

**Disclaimer – This post is in no way a political rant, diatribe, ramble or other equivalent form of opinion venting. I am in no way educated or informed enough to offer any relevant insight to any political situation, especially one abroad. At best it would be embarrassing, at worst ignorant and offensive. This is simply about us. And me. Mainly about me. It's always about me.**

When I woke up this morning, I had that groggy ache in my head and clumsy sense of nausea you get when you drank too much red wine the night before.

It probably had something to do with the fact that I drank too much red wine the night before.

My shower took too long to warm up and my house felt so cold it almost made me dislike my bed because it appeared to be taunting me with warmth and comfort that I knew I couldn't embrace. For the record, I love my bed. In leaving my house I was greeted by the kind of quintessential cold English rain that I hadn't felt since leaving for South East Asia almost 3 years ago. My umbrella got turned inside out at least twice during the roughly 3 minute walk to the bus stop, during which period the bus itself rushed past me and pulled away in an amount of time that could have been scientifically calculated to cause the maximum degree of frustration. The followup bus was stuck behind the recycling truck as it inched it's way towards completion of its suburban civic duty. At this moment, it struck me. I had also forgotten to put out the recycling.

Oh yeah, and whilst I was cleaning my teeth, Donald Trump was declared as the next president of the United States of America.

It is safe to say that I felt like it was going to be “one of those days”.

Now I am not a believer in 'those days', things happen randomly and sometimes an unfortunate series of events all fall within one rotation of the planet. In my opinion there is no greater significance to this than the simple fact we are more inclined to notice it. None the less it is a hard feeling to shake. I get the impression I was not alone in my funk.

If Facebook serves as the modern town square where people bare their opinions and their souls, the general consensus surrounding today was somewhat, shall we say, gloomy. The news feed is an insight in to the wider mood, you lay witness to the mirror held up against responses on cultural events, the passing of public figures, global tragedies, humanitarian crises as well as the eternal struggle between heroic iguanas and demon Medusa-looking hell snakes on remote tropical islands. That reference may well date quickly but there is never a bad time to re-watch Planet Earth.

I have never witnessed a wave of negativity akin to the one that greeted me today. Sad, angry bewilderment. I can hardly blame people. As far as this year goes, the camels back was one straw away from being broken and a 107kg man* with an extra 3kg of hair and fake tan** just jumped on it to catch a ride to the oval office.

I don't know what this means for the world but when I told a friend of mine that I was feeling ill, he wisely told me to relax, the sky is not falling. I was actually referring to the after effect of the wine but he had a good point.

I totally understand why people are feeling so awful. I feel like a large part of it has to do with how helpless we all feel. The bad thing has happened and our role is relegated to that of powerless spectator. It is just one of those days. It is just one of those years. And you are right, we can't change it, we can't stop it, the Hall of Presidents at Disneyland will be forever tainted.

There is one thing we can control though, and that is us. It is a trite cliché to say that if you let them get you down, they have already won. Especially in this case as he has literally won. There is inevitably some truth in that sentiment though. This year has thrown up countless demonstrations that we can't rely on public figures to save us. Our heroes may eventually die, our leaders may badly under-serve us and our society may not represent us in a manner that we believe is true to our spirits. Howevere, without meaning to sound overly dramatic, we can still save ourselves.

Now is the perfect time to rediscover your joy. Remember that joke or that stupid thing you did which made your friend laugh so hard that the result seemed like it would be death or defecation? Phone them up and remind them of it again.

If you have a favourite song that makes you giddy even under threat of being disowned by your loved ones, play it loud. Better yet sing it loud. Now is the time to take singing lessons if you want to sing. Now is the time do dance and if you don't know how then learn. Get back in to that sport you lost time for. Watch that box set you have been putting off. Bake a massive cake. And save me a slice. Seriously. I love cake.

If you don't have a hobby, take one up. If you don't have a passion, take the time to discover one. If you don't like your country right now, start saving tomorrow for your round the world ticket. I have been putting off writing my blog for over two years. My mind boggles just stating that. I was always going to start it up again tomorrow. But the dates don't lie. Positivity is rarely my strong suit but the events of this morning have made me realise that I am responsible for how my day goes. One minor victory at a time is all it takes. The lifeline may have been severed and the hand-basket may be freely floating to hell but the journey doesn't have to be wasted.

Far more enlightened people than myself have stated for a long time that the surefire path to misery is to focus your happiness on the thing you can't control. You don't have to bury your head in the sand but that doesn't you can't look towards something better. The world may look different but it's still the same and we can deal with it the same way we would yesterday. With laughter and nature documentaries. And wine. Maybe less of that. Maybe. The sky is not falling, even if our spirits are.

Be funny. Be stupid. Be thoughtful. Be creative. Be passionate. Be weird. Be active. Be productive. Be absolutely ridiculous. But don't be defeated.

Do remember to put out your recycling though. The world still needs that.

Stay positive y'all!

*Body weight verified by Google

**Hair and make up weight in no way verified by anything. I just made that up

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